I am going to be a GRANDMA!!! Our oldest son Sean just called!!! Woo hoo!!! She is about 2-3 months prego now! This is our 1st grand baby! Well kinda, 2nd if you count she had a lil boy from a previous! He is adorable too! Here is a pic of them! I knew it was boud to happen sooner or later with us having 6 kids! Just happened sooner!
Remember the farmhouse sink I told yall about? Well with a few modifications to our existing countertop he was able to install it! This has been finished for a while now, but just now posting here! :) He replaced the hardware and added a new faucet. I love how it isn't perfect! All chippy n worn! Shows character!
Since my last post! I have had lots going on like most people this time of the year! I was in an ornie swap with 28 people, so I finally got those done and mailed out! I can't wait to post a pic of them! We have to wait till everyone gets their boxes to post pics! We have had lots of rain here in Texas so I am happy to say that our pond if FULL!!! We lost about 14+ trees from the dirt washing out from around the roots and they fell in the pond. Luckily the guy that dug our pond was nice enough to come back over and pull all of the out but one! Woo hoo! We didn't expect it to be full until next year because some parts are 21ft deep! We have so many plans to add to our pond! We can't wait! The other news is we finally after all these years got a horse!!! OMG! I can't tell you how bad we have been wanting one! We did everything backwards!!! LOL We had no barn, fence or trailor! I found him on craigslist (just love that site!) for an awsome buy! He is HUGE! As soon as I showed him to my hubby he wanted to call about him. I was like "honey, we have no fence or barn!" He said we can just go look, which I knew what would happen! LOL So withing 45 minutes of seeing the ad we were standing in front of this gorgeous horse! He has blue eyes too! Fell in love! So we bought him! We were able to leave him there for about a week n 1/2 while hubby built a fence! We borrowed a trailor and our boy was home! I just love the horsey smell! We have partial of the barn done, I am going to post lots of pics to follow! So here we go!
Here are the pics of our pond! The boards in the middle are eventually be a gazebo. The poles are 16ft, just to give you an idea of how deep it is! :)
This is a water tank hubby made for me! I just love it! It pumps out water too! Need to do some more updates, but will end this one now! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!