Beasley doll and mini PM
This is my rendition of Miss Beasley doll! I loved her while I was growing up! You will recieve 2 pattern sizes
Price: US$6.00

OMGosh! Do you remember Miss Beasley? Do you remember my doll I made? I can't believe it has been since '07 since I made her! WOW! Time flies! It has taken me literally 2 days to sit here and type up the instructions! I almost forgot how to make an epattern! LOL There are several step by step pics for you to reference to. This is for the Epattern, if you would like the paper pattern, just email me or go to the patternmart site and click on more info. It will give you the instructions how to order. I hope you like her! I hope to get more finished soon!
Thank you for taking interest in my blog!